The Possibilities of an Infinite Future.

“We’re taught very young about the bad things in the world. The people are mean. The world is cold. There’s temptation at every turn and darkness lurks in waiting. All very clichéd and done to death.
And there are seven deadly sins.
But there is an eighth sin no one talks about. No one will ever tell you about it. Yet, the eighth sin is the one that infects more people than any other, ruins lives and abandons the protection of rationale. You’re doing it before you know it. It can happen to you anytime, anywhere, and you will never be the same. It consumes you every living day. It’ll leave you wanting more and then show you the world and take you higher than the sky, and then you’ll crash. Oh how you’ll come crashing down.
From love.”

~ as spoken by Eliza Dane, Grey Skies

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